Giftigt gift i Murnaus Herr Tartüff (1926)
"Allting är gift, ingenting är utan gift; det är dosen som gör att något inte är gift"
Theophrastus Paracelsus (1493-1541) den gamle esoterikern han visste verkligen vad han snackade om! Bland annat säger han såhär om att skapa artificiellt liv:
"Let the semen of a man putrify by itself in a cucurbite (=gourd glass) with the highest putrefaction of the venter equinus (=horse dung) for forty days, or until it begins at last to live, move, and be agitated, which can easily be seen. After this time it will be in some degree like a human being, but nevertheless, transparent and without body. If now, after this, it be every day nourished and fed cautiously and prudently with the arcanaum of human blood, and kept for forty days in the perpetual and equal heat of venter equinus, it becomes, thenceforth a true and living infant, having all the members of a child that is born from a woman, but much smaller. This we call a homunculus; and it should be afterwards educated with the greatest care and zeal, until it grows and begins to display intelligence. Now this is one of the greatest secrets which God had revealed to mortal and fallible man." (ur De Generatione Rerum)
Den manliga säden är i sanning ett gift.
"As a policy of public health, Paracelsus seriously recommended to parents that their male children should be either married or castrated." (Washington Times)
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